
Other changes to Telegram privacy and the moderation of private chats have also been made after the arrest of Telegram CEO Pavel Durov. Find out more about the changes and their effects on the platform.


In the meantime, an unobtrusive change in how Telegram moderates what people are saying in private conversations has occurred. This change occurred after the arrest of its Chief Executing Officer Pavel Durov based in France over charges of alleged unlawful activities that occurred in the site. The ‘Old Policy’ of Telegram to the moderation of private chat was relatively passive indicating a more heightened awareness in the current approach towards reporting unlawful content.

Telegram’s Previous ATTITUDE to Private Chatting:

Before the recent changes in the FAQ section of the website, Telegram had a special section that stated that the company would not process requests that are connected with private chats. This simply meant that the users had free access to engage in these types of discussions and there was no censorship in these cases. However, after the arrest of Durov, in 2013, the company’s overall tone changed dramatically.

Updated Policy – It is Now Possible to Report the Private Chats:

However, Telegram has now updated its FAQ section which portrays the company with a new position. The platform has made it clear that users can complain about the existence of illegality in any chat not restricted to individual ones. This is an amendment to the past wording, the latter has guaranteed the confidentiality of such conversations and their absence from moderation requests. Telegram’s spokesperson, Remi Vaughn, however, has told the users that the source code of the app is still untouched and personal chats are still secured. But options to report have increased.

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Durov’s Reply to Emerging Problems:

In his message after the arrest, Pavel Durov admitted that purely organic growth of the Telegram users up to 950 million was not without difficulties. In August he promised to improve the moderating of the site following a rise in the usage of the site by the criminals. The issue of safety and security has become Durov’s mission statement for the application and reforms are already in the making.

Telegram has its legal pressures, which shape its future:

The arrest of Durov happened at the time when French officials accused Telegram of sharing unlawful content including coordination of child sexual abuse material circulation and drug trafficking. Such allegations have helped escalate awareness and subsequent analysis of the platform and its operations. In the future, as Telegram continues to tow this line to meet these new legal requirements and enhance its moderation systems, it is also likely to bring about more changes in aspects of its privacy and content reporting mechanisms.


This, however, comes with a closer look at it as a sign that Telegram is taking a more moderated and secured approach for its users. Unlike the past where private chats were private, there is now an easier way of reporting illegal content on the platform. As long as CEO Durov is dedicated to enhancing moderation, the users of Telegram can look forward to more updates as the company develops on these legal and ethical issues.

Image Credit: Pavel Durov


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