TECHnicalBeep – Startups | Fundings | Technology | Innovation

B2B Embedded Finance platform finmid
Europe Startups

finmid picks €35M funding and collaborates with industry giants to deploy its B2B Embedded Finance solutions throughout Europe

finmid, a trailblazer in B2B Embedded Finance infrastructure, has emerged from stealth mode, announcing €35 million in initial equity funding.

B2B FinTech - Bavest Founders
Europe Startups

Bavest, a German B2B FinTech, secures €1.1M in funding to offer access to real-time financial and alternative data

The innovative German-based B2B FinTech startup Bavest has successfully closed a €1.1 Million funding round. The round, which several well-known

B2B Payments FinTech Kriya
Europe Startups

UK’s B2B Payments FinTech Kriya Raises €58M for Unprecedented Growth

The B2B payments FinTech startup Kriya has obtained a fresh €58 million fundraising round from Viola Group, a longstanding loan