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Leading fitness platform for professionals Harbiz has secured a €5M fundraising round to expand globally, with a particular emphasis on bolstering growth in the UK and German markets.

Along with bringing in more foreign expertise, the funding will be used to support the company’s product-led growth go-to-market approach.

Octopus Ventures is leading this fundraising round. Participating also are JME Ventures, Athos Capital, and Enzo Ventures.

Harbiz earlier closed a €2.5M financing round in 2022, with participation from business angels including Hugo Arévalo, Íñigo Juantegui, and Andreas Mihalovits, as well as funds like JME Ventures, Athos Capital, and Enzo Ventures.

With this additional funding, Harbiz will be able to better support its product development, innovation, and research for fitness professionals, such as physiotherapists, personal trainers, nutritionists, and yoga teachers, enabling them to manage their clients entirely online. Employing AI techniques to improve user experience will constitute a pivotal element of this breakthrough, leveraging advanced technologies to enhance overall satisfaction.

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With operations in over 35 countries at the moment, Harbiz assists over 6,000 fitness professionals in advising and enhancing the lives of over 120,000 clients. The company has doubled its turnover from the previous year, demonstrating exponential growth since its foundation in 2020.

“We are very happy to have reached this milestone for the company and to have a new partner in Octopus Ventures, one of the most experienced VCs in Europe,” stated Mario Morante, CEO and co-founder of Harbiz. We are confident that we can achieve our objectives and take the lead in our industry globally with the help of our partners and the outstanding staff at Harbiz.

Co-founder of Harbiz Javier Ortega continued, saying, “This round allows us to meet our goal of making Harbiz the greatest ally of all fitness and health professionals in the world by continuing to grow, improving the product, and learning from the market.”

Harbiz, a 2020 startup, gives wellness providers the ability to run every aspect of their business—including scheduling, communications, reservations, client progress, and exercise regimens—through a single platform. This makes it possible for them to offer a far more polished service in keeping with what the market currently needs.

Its goal is to make these experts’ jobs easier so they may expand their enterprises and reach customers everywhere in the world, no matter where they are in the world. State-of-the-art, Approachable Technology, has made this all possible.

Octopus Ventures Partner Uthish Ranjan said: “We are thrilled to support Harbiz in expanding its platform globally. Any wellness business must prioritize customer interaction, and Harbiz’s best-in-class platform is revolutionary for fitness professionals looking to enhance their client acquisition and retention tactics.”

Image Credit: Harbiz


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