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Retailo, a B2B marketplace located in Saudi Arabia, has acquired DXBUY, a company based in the United Arab Emirates, for an undisclosed amount.

DXBUY is a ground-breaking B2B marketplace that connects hundreds of restaurants and cafes. Retailo’s continuous growth and expansion goals for the MENAP region include this acquisition, which will enable the company to break into the HORECA market.

In fewer than five years, the HORECA business in MENAP is anticipated to be worth $60 billion. Retailo’s mission and aggressive regional expansion plan align with taking such a significant step into such a vast market.

For inventory acquisitions, HORECA relies on informal, shattered, and unstable supply chains. They operate with several vendors and adhere to a rigid delivery schedule, which limits their flexibility. A regular supply schedule poses many challenges, including wasting, because orders in a café or restaurant are typically seasonal and unexpected, and top-quality fresh goods are essential.

To meet an immediate commercial need, the restaurant owner may be forced to make purchases straight from the wholesale market, resulting in a waste of time and resources. A tech-enabled solution that solves all of these problems with the push of a few buttons is desperately needed.

Using Retailo’s app will provide restaurants and cafes with a single-window operation that will provide a huge number of high-quality ingredients, price discovery for smart purchases, a faster delivery cycle to reduce wastage, tech-enabled inventory management, and many other features and services. Ordering perishables will no longer be a concern because delivery may take place every day and at the restaurant owner’s convenience, ensuring end-customer happiness and enhanced business value.

About the acquisition, “We are pleased about the acquisition of DXBUY and growing the Retailo family by bringing in great expertise that will empower restaurants and cafes across MENAP,” said Himag Vaidya, Retailo’s Head of Investment and Strategy.

“With a reach across many markets and business verticals, Retailo is becoming an even more robust institution.” “We’re expanding our regional and commercial footprint and advancing our aim of making small business owner’s life easier,” Himag added.

Image Credit: Retailo


Data professional, Writer and Thinker at TECHnicalBeep, aspiring to provide quality content with respect to "All things Startups" to our readers. It is important for the people that they are aware of how the world is changing and evolving daily, and how those ideas and innovations can potentially help grow the Ideasphere of the region.

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