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doctorly, a HealthTech startup has raised an extra €9.4 million in preparation for its long-term disruption of healthcare software. The Berlin-based team aims to transform the industry by providing the resources medical staff needs to work more effectively and provide improved patient outcomes.

Funding Details

The Series for €9.4 million WELL Technologies, Horizons Ventures, The Delta, Speedinvest, UNIQA Ventures, Calm/Storm, and Seedcamp were some of the investors in a round that was obtained. The company will increase its market share now that it has the money.

Throughout all Europe, the healthcare industry is under tremendous strain. Medical professionals are experiencing record levels of stress and burnout as a result of dealing with the financial strains brought on by funding cutbacks and the aftermath of a global pandemic. People are suffering as a result of their inability to keep up with the mounting work due to a lack of resources and assistance.

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According to reports, medical offices in Germany, for instance, continue to use software from the 1980s, which is not a productive use of time or resources. Statistics from the “Kassenärztliche Bundesvereinigung” (KBV), which oversees state-employed physicians in Germany, show that administrative labor takes up 61 working days or three months on average per year in medical practices.

HealthTech startup Doctorly, one of the few with regulatory permission to do so, was founded in 2018 by Samir El-Alami, Nicklas Teicke, Anna Von Stackelberg, Sebastian Lau, and Alexandru Boghean. Julian Teicke served as the company’s first investor.

To create a new operating system specifically suited for the primary care market, the business collaborated closely with physicians and other healthcare professionals. As a result, the SaaS solution is user-friendly, secure, and simple to incorporate.


“Nearly all medical practices still use a local, on-premise network, paper, and physical disks to keep and transfer data,” says Samir El-Alami, CEO and creator of doctorly. Doctorly offers top-notch data security and privacy protection while enabling medical practices to utilize cloud computing technologies. We also offer the high standards of customer service that the business sorely needs.

To alter this, HealthTech startup has created a controlled operating system that can reduce administrative time by as much as 50%.

“Our current focus is to reduce the amount of time wasted on repetitive administrative tasks and processes within practices, while also delivering easier and better data-driven insights, which enables doctors and medical staff to spend more quality time with their patients in the secure knowledge that they are using software that enhances the modern standard of healthcare,” says Samir El-Alami.

“We know that medical professionals are very receptive to digitization, but because their required basic practice software is so antiquated and unable to work with contemporary technologies, they are essentially stuck in the past. This has repercussions for individuals and the larger healthcare sector. We have created a new operating system that works for them because this is the biggest barrier to innovation in basic healthcare.

With this additional funding, the Berlin-based startup will expand faster in German, offer new features and functionality, and assist in saving healthcare workers money and time.

The financing round, according to Samir El-Alami, “is a strong validation of our vision for a considerably better digitized and effective healthcare system, which is supported by excellent customer feedback and very positive sales traction.”

Image Credit: Doctorly


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