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Helsinki-based Reveel has secured a funding of 650k in a pre-seed round of funding to turn paper maps into smart digital guidebooks for the tourism industry. The funds were received from Inventure VC and prestigious angel investors.

Platform Solution Expansion

The Reveel platform makes it simple for any player in the tourism industry, from cities to museums, to convert their info boards and paper maps into intelligent digital guidebooks that open straight on visitors’ phones. This facilitates the transition to intelligent, sustainable, and customized visitor experiences. A must-have platform solution for global destinations is the ultimate objective.

The Finnish startup already has notable partnerships with Viking Line, the UNESCO site Suomenlinna, and the City of Estepona, which was founded in 2021 by Sebastian Mellblom, Robin Kanerva, Fredrik Fazer, and William Helmenius.

Sebastian Mellblom, co-founder and CEO of Reveel, said:

“Having such a wonderful collection of investors on board makes us very happy. We genuinely believe we have the personnel and support structure needed for this trip, in addition to a terrific product. With this funding round, we can accelerate our mission towards truly smart tourism and build the team of rockstars required to make Reveel a household name within visitor experiences.”

Enhanced Visitor Experience

Travelers from all over the world may now explore in their native tongues thanks to the platform’s AI-powered straight translation of all content into 28 other languages. Through the platform, destinations can also construct digital guided tours, in which visitors are taken through the location by the app, with the guide’s voice playing automatically at each point of interest. By joining the Reveel platform quickly, locations may add a new dimension to their guest experiences without having to invest in costly and time-consuming solutions of their own.

Reveel gives the partner the resources they need to easily manage, maintain, and update the material at the destination, giving visitors a more modern experience. Additionally, the platform enables locations to generate fresh revenue streams and monetize assets that were previously underutilized, such as smartphone-based digital guided tours. Reveel is also introducing its entrance ticket services, which will enable destinations to contract out this aspect of their operations to a single provider of solutions for their guests.

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Co-founders Sebastian Mellblom and Robin Kanerva saw in 2021 that the on-site experience was antiquated; at historical sites, we still use disposable headphones, read information from physical displays, and receive paper maps at destinations. This is not only incredibly unsustainable, but it also doesn’t offer any opportunity for personalized discovery or interaction.

Subsequent investigation revealed that a universal solution capable of operating in several locations was lacking. The only way to update these antiquated solutions was to construct costly and time-consuming site-specific solutions, which also tend to become antiquated over time.

This brought to light another problem: visitors don’t want to pick up new skills at every location they go to. Building a platform that can be integrated immediately relieved destinations of the burden of coming up with solutions on their own. Whereas the destination concentrates on content, the reveal concentrates on technology. Destinations can now enjoy ongoing product upgrades through platform thinking, eliminating the need to start from scratch every time something needs to be updated.

Image Credit: Reveel


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