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The healthcare and surgery-focused startup HD, with its headquarters in Bangkok, has raised $6 million in funding, backed by French VC firm Partech Partners.

The round also included participation from M Venture Partners, AC Ventures, iSeed, and Orvel Ventures.

The Google for Startups Accelerator: Southeast Asia program approved ten startups, including HD.

The new fundraising round will enable the business to maintain its dominant position in the healthcare industry while advancing the development of HDcare, the company’s cutting-edge elective surgical offering.

Additionally, the business intends to use the investment to grow its staff and keep on developing its technology to enable over 5,000 healthcare professionals, 300 operating rooms, and thousands of procedures to be performed by 2024.

As we put the pandemic behind us, Sheji Ho, CEO and co-founder of HD, said, “As we put the pandemic behind us, our investors and us see a once-in-a-lifetime supply-driven opportunity in HDcare that is very similar to how companies like Airbnb, Uber, and Groupon leveraged supply and emerged from the 2008 financial crisis.”

According to reports, 52% of individuals in high-income Asia Pacific can pay or have access to procedures, compared to 91% of those in Southeast Asia.

Sheji Ho founded HD in 2019 with a shared goal for the future of healthcare. The business develops medical devices and works to make healthcare services and elective procedures more easily accessible and reasonably priced in rising Southeast Asia.

HD strives to benefit patients as well as healthcare professionals. The company, which was established in November of last year, asserts that there is already a significant demand on both the supply and demand sides, particularly given the present difficult macroeconomic environment. About 250K individuals have looked for affordable medical treatment and operations through the portal.

To maximize the use of operating room capacity in hospitals and clinics, HDcare collaborates with healthcare providers. It offers healthcare financing options to promote access to reasonably priced care and operations while connecting patients to hospitals, clinics, operating rooms, and surgeons.

Orthopaedic, thyroid, and hemorrhoid surgery patients receive pricing that is 15% to 20% lower than market rates. They also have options for financing healthcare. The HDcare staff guides patients through the reimbursement procedures for individuals with insurance or employer coverage.

Image Credit: HD


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