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Juniper, a new supplier of reproductive healthcare insurance has raised €1.7 million in a pre-seed funding round, led by InsurTech Gateway.

Along with other angel investors Tara Reeves, Matt Cooper, Charles Delingpole, Vera Baker, and Exceptional Ventures, 2100 Ventures also backed the round. The funding will assist Juniper’s trial program leading up to its official debut, grow the company, and triple the staff size.

Founded in 2023, Juniper fills a void in health insurance by offering complete genital insurance for all sexes, making it simple for businesses and their staff to obtain. In the UK, one in four men develop low testosterone by the age of 302, while one in three women face problems related to reproduction or gynecology1.

Cofounder and CEO of Juniper, Ambra Zhang, stated:

“My company health insurance did not cover PCOS because it was considered a chronic reproductive disorder when I was first diagnosed with it. I would thus have to pay £1,000 out of pocket each year to see my gynecologist and get my prescription filled. Juniper fills this void by giving workers comprehensive support for their reproductive health and by supplying companies and brokers with specialized, premium insurance packages. Our digital platform seeks to address the unfulfilled requirements of the younger generation to transform the insurance sector.”

Revolutionary Workplace Insurance

Juniper provides everyone with an out-of-the-box reproductive health cover, providing employees access to testing and routine checkups, education, community support, medical reimbursement, and care navigation. The startup will be available to medium to large enterprise businesses looking to support their employees’ well-being, benefit from hassle-free admin, and pursue new avenues for ESG initiatives.

Juniper offers coverage that includes various conditions and tests, encompassing contraception, STD testing, endometriosis, erectile dysfunction, and reproductive organ cancer. Juniper also covers gender dysphoria, egg freezing, and menopause—making it the sole insurance provider to address these.

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When concentrating on medium-sized to large firms, the European market offers a £30 billion opportunity. Many times, employee health insurance does not cover menopausal or fertility problems. Employers sometimes offer to pay for fertility treatments like IVF or egg freezing, which can run the company between £15, 000 and £45,000. Juniper focuses on high-frequency claims with moderate costs, filling a gap in the market that traditional health insurers ignore by giving priority to low-frequency, high-value claims that are infrequently used.

Insurance strategist and Juniper advisor Ruth Polyblank stated:

“Juniper is setting out on a mission to empower individuals about their reproductive health and choices. It is altering the landscape of reproductive healthcare and filling in the gaps and exclusions seen in typical health insurance policies with an emphasis on inclusivity and comprehensive coverage. The introduction of Juniper is a positive step toward a time when everyone will have access to the insurance they require to confidently and dignifiedly pursue their reproductive health journeys.”

Robert Lumley, Co-Founder of InsurTech Gateway, said:

“When Juniper asked us to imagine dental insurance, but for your genitals, it opened our eyes to a substantial market largely ignored by traditional insurance. Juniper is helping organizations to provide complete treatment for their employees by eliminating the stigma associated with concerns related to reproductive health. We are excited to travel with them on this adventure.”

Founding Team and Advisors

Sam Pratt, the CPTO, and Ambra Zhang, the CEO, co-founded Juniper. After seeing firsthand the limitations of corporate health insurance, Ambra established Juniper, drawing on her background in private equity and investment banking at Goldman Sachs. Sam is a seasoned engineer who was once the Senior Engineering Manager at Brit Insurance, Lloyd’s of London’s second-biggest commercial insurer. He was the Head of Engineering at Gaia, the first IVF insurance firm to sell directly to consumers, before this. Max Bacon, Head of Operations and former Regional Lead for DrDoctor joins them.

Moreover, with the core group, Juniper’s advisors include Benjamin Viaris de Lesegno, a physician, entrepreneur, and co-founder of Leva Clinic and Cellen; Marco Ramadoro, founder of Satec MGA; Guillaume d’Audiffret, co-founder of Seyna; Ruth Polyblank, vice president, insurance, strategic growth for Mastercard.

Image Credit: Juniper


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