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Berlin-based Ovom Care, a leading provider in fertility innovation, has concluded its €4.8 million Seed fundraising round, emphasizing digital advancement in reproductive health.

With the integration of AI-enabled and data-driven medical care into the contemporary fertility care infrastructure, this milestone funding, led by Alpha Intelligence Capital and backed by Ananda Impact Ventures and Merantix, represents a major advancement.

Ovom Care blends cutting-edge AI technologies with reproductive care to improve patient outcomes and provide women with more access to fertility at more reasonable costs. With over 100 patients treated in just a few months, Ovom Care has gained significant attention. Ovom Care stands in a prime position to spearhead the fertility technology market and enhance patient outcomes, owing to its robust team of experts in medicine, technology, and embryology.

The Seed investment will enable Ovom Care to expand its groundbreaking services throughout Europe. Near the end of 2024, Ovom Care will open its first directly owned clinic in Portugal, demonstrating its dedication to expanding its distinctive care model. Better patient outcomes will ultimately result from the investment, which will also speed up improvements to Ovom’s AI platform, broaden the company’s service offerings, and support ongoing research to further our understanding of reproductive health.

The business trains algorithms that serve as medical decision support tools, assisting physicians and embryologists in making individualized decisions for patients, using historical and current patient data. Further, this allows for more dynamic pricing and better results, including refunds if a pregnancy is not attained. Additionally, Removing the financial risk allows patients to navigate the emotionally and financially challenging journey toward parenthood with a more positive experience.

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Felicia von Reden, CEO and co-founder, said:

“I think a revolution in fertility care is about to happen. I’m honored to lead this revolutionary journey alongside my co-founders, Dr. Cristina Hickman and Lynae Brayboy. Our mission is to usher in a new era in reproductive healthcare by enabling everyone who aspires to start a family to become a parent. Our tripartite goal is to significantly raise treatment success rates, make treatment more accessible, and promote patient convenience and centricity throughout the reproductive process.”

Ovom Care’s inception stemmed from its all-female founding team, comprising an embryologist, an infertility patient, and a reproductive clinician and researcher, who were the driving force behind its creation. Moreover, their combined expertise in AI and reproductive health drives the development of the Hybrid-Care approach, bridging the gap between technological innovation and compassionate fertility therapy.

Alpha Intelligence Capital partner Terry Chou stated:

“We have spent the year comparing various AI-enabled fertility innovation and assessment tools before investing in Ovom Care. As a digitally-first, AI-enabled clinic, Ovom has given various AI-powered fertility options a wonderful platform to showcase their worth, with their combined intelligence revolutionizing the reproductive care industry.”

According to Mascha Bonk, Investment Manager at Ananda Impact Ventures:

“Approximately 1 in 6 adults worldwide suffer from infertility. With treatment costs ranging from EUR 15–30k and success rates of about 35%, in vitro fertilization (IVF) offers significant financial and emotional challenges for many, even though for many it is a ray of hope on their path to parenthood. Further, Ovom Care is improving the efficacy, accessibility, and patient experience of therapies using its innovative methodology. It is a privilege to support Ovom Care in its mission to build a future where anybody can begin a family.”

Image Credit: Ovom Care


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